What are the three properties that every relationship should have?

Relationships are an essential part of human life. They provide us with support, companionship, love, and growth. However, not all relationships are healthy and fulfilling. Some can be toxic, abusive, or unsatisfying. How can we tell the difference between a good and a bad relationship? What are the qualities that make a relationship work?

In this blog post, I will share with you three properties that every relationship should have, based on psychological research and expert advice. These are:

  • Trust
  • Communication
  • Respect

Let's look at each of these properties in more detail and see why they are important for a healthy and happy relationship.


Trust is the foundation of any relationship. It means you can rely on your partner, to be honest, faithful, and supportive. You can share your thoughts, feelings, and secrets with them without fear of being judged, betrayed, or manipulated. You can also trust them to respect your boundaries, preferences, and decisions.

Trust is built over time through consistent and positive interactions. It is also maintained by being loyal, transparent, and accountable. When trust is broken, it can be hard to repair. It can lead to insecurity, anxiety, and resentment. Therefore, it is important to avoid lying, cheating, hiding things, or breaking promises in your relationship.


Communication is the key to understanding and resolving conflicts in a relationship. It means you can express your needs, wants, and opinions clearly and respectfully. You can also listen to your partner's perspective and empathize with their feelings. You can have constructive conversations that lead to compromise and solutions.

Communication is not only about talking but also about non-verbal cues such as eye contact, body language, and tone of voice. It is also about choosing the right time and place to communicate. For example, it is better to avoid discussing sensitive issues when you or your partner are tired, hungry, or stressed. It is also better to avoid texting or calling when you are angry or emotional.


Respect is the recognition of your partner's worth and dignity as a human being. It means that you value their opinions, preferences, and choices. You also acknowledge their strengths, talents, and achievements. You do not try to change them or control them. You do not criticize them or put them down.

Respect is also about treating your partner with kindness and courtesy. You do not hurt them physically or emotionally. You do not insult them or mock them. You do not manipulate them or take advantage of them. You do not ignore them or neglect them.

These are the three properties that every relationship should have: trust, communication, and respect. If you have these qualities in your relationship, you are more likely to experience happiness, satisfaction, and growth with your partner. If you lack these qualities in your relationship, you may want to improve them or consider whether the relationship is worth continuing.


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